The guide to herbs

 Zea mays
Combined with agrimony and made into a tea it is used to treat bed-wetting; alone it treats cystitis.
Agropyron repens
Possessing antibiotic qualities, it acts as an antiseptic diuretic.
Geranium maculatum
Useful in cases of diarrhoea, haemorrhoids, peptic ulcers, and haemorrhaging in the digestive tract. It can be used as a mouthwash for mouth ulcers and sore throats. It is also used in treatment of thrush.
Taraxum officinale
Dandelion affects the kidneys, gallbladder, liver, pancreas and blood and contains the actives taraxcin, the monohydric alcohols taraxasterol and homotaraxasterol, fatty acid, sugar and insulin.
Dandelion would be one of the most prescribed herbs today, and its main use would be for liver complaints or as a diuretic. Dandelion stimulates the liver increasing its detoxifying action. Because of this action Dandelion is a valuable blood purifying herb and may be used in some skin diseases. Dandelion is also a very useful diuretic being much safer than juniper berry as it is non-irritant to the kidneys. The dandelion leaves can be eaten as part of a salad and will help prevent liver problems and gallstones. The dried roots are used to make a coffee substitute.
Harpagophytum procumbens
Devil's Claw in used to treat inflammation of joints, as in arthritis, and also for mild analgesic properties. It is used to treat tennis elbow and when anti-inflammatory medicine is needed.
Anethum graveolens
Used fresh as a flavouring with potatoes, eggs, chicken, and fish, the seeds can be made into a tea to ease indigestion and in particular babies' colic.
Angelica sinensis
Dong quai can be used in the treatment of most female gynaecological ailments, in particular menstrual cramps, irregularity, a delayed flow during menstrual period. It also can be successfully used to treat hot flushes that often accompany menopause. It is nourishing to the blood, being rich in vitamin E and vitamin B12 and is also useful in the treatment of anaemia as well as being a valuable blood purifier.
Dong quai is also very useful in combination with other herbs such as black cohosh, queen of the meadow, red raspberry and bless thistle. I have found this combination excellent in the treatment of hormone imbalance and menopause problems.
Echinacea augustifolia
This herb is used both internally and externally, for boils, acne, abscesses, severe bites, septicaemia, fevers, and in some cases it has been used to treat cancer. A dilator of peripheral blood vessels, it can also be used in prevention of viruses.
Sambuccus nigra
The flowers of the black elder are used as an ingredient in eye lotion and for skin complaints. They are mainly used to treat colds, sinus, chronic nasal catarrh with deafness, throat infections, and in combination with other herbs, it is used to treat constipation, diarrhoea, bronchitis, cystitis, and fluid retention.
Ephedra silica
Used in bronchial asthma, hayfever, skin complaints, purifying the blood, urticaria. It contains the alkaloid ephedrine.
Eucalyptus globulus
The Tasnunian blue gum's oil is used externally for burns, cuts, ulcers, and sores. Inhaled, it clears the nose and lungs, aids bronchitis and asthma, and as a lozenge it relieves sore throats. It has a strong aroma, and acts as an antiseptic and disinfectart.
Relaxes the bronchi and is used to treat asthma. The latex is used to treat warts.

General Health



With the onset of menopause, many women suffer from hot flashes and night sweats. Arlene March, 56, a Los Angeles psychotherapist, says she started getting hot flashes 5 years ago. “I’d be working,” she recalls, “and suddenly feel intense heat all over my body. I’d break out in a sweat. I’d have to stop work. Then Dr. Mishell prescribed estrogen pills, and I’ve not had a day of discomfort.”
Some women experience a drying and thinning of vaginal tissues in the absence of estrogen, making sex painful. They also might suffer urinary tract infections and incontinence. Estrogen therapy often helps.
Among the physicians consulted, the most cautious was Dr. Morris Notelovitz, founder of the nation’s first Menopause Center, at the University of Florida, and head of the Women’s Medical and Diagnostic Center in Gainesville, Florida. He says each symptom needs a different treatment and advises that genital tract problems be given estrogen treatment for a couple of years at most. He also urges special measurements of the bones before prescribing estrogen therapy for osteoporosis.


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Most patients have a combination of two or more of these problems. They are usually first given a thorough medical history and examination to determine the extent of the prob­lem and to hopefully pinpoint a cause. I want to briefly outline the nature of these four symptoms so that your problem will make more sense to you as a patient if you are experiencing any of them.


Taking prescribed medications with most vitamins is safe as is taking herbal complexes that are available through health food stores. However, you should always check with your doctor, your pharmacist or your naturopath. They are all trained to know what can go with what.

Weight loss

Overweight is most commonly a result of overeating and lack of exercise. Overweight and fluid retention often go together with people who have glandular problems or under-active thyroids. In such cases an iodine and phosporous deficiency may be the cause.

